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Donatella della Porta es una politóloga italiana, profesora de Ciencia Política y Sociología Política en el Instituto Universitario Europeo. Es conocida por su investigación en el campo de los movimientos sociales, corrupción, violencia política y orden público. Dirige el proyecto DEMOS (Democracy in Europe and the Mobilisation of the Society), financiado por la Comisión Europea. También coordinó el Gruppo di Ricerca sull’azione collettiva in Europa (GRACE) y ha dirigido investigaciones en Cornell University, Ithaca College y el Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung. En 1990 recibió un Career Development Award de la Fundación H.F. Guggenheim Foundation, y en 1997, una beca de investigación de la Fundación  Alexander von Humboldt.

La entrevista está articulada en seis preguntas. Podéis verla completa haciendo clic sobre el vídeo, o ir directamente a una pregunta haciendo clic sobre los siguientes enlaces:

  1. To what extent do you think the impressive growth of the far right in Italy and Europe lately will push a transformation of social movements?
  2. To what extent do you think that in the last couple of years movement parties have continued from inside the institutions the work that social movements had been doing from outside the institutions?
  3. The anti-austerity movement and the Catalan independence movement appeared approximately at the same time. How do you explain that, while the anti-austerity movement has faded away, the Catalan independence movement still keeps two million people mobilised?
  4. Would you say that the anti-austerity movement was a revolution? Are you still expecting a revolution?
  5. Have you seen lately some relevant innovation in social movements – something that may let us talk about a new wave of social movements?
  6. Have you read lately any literature on social movements that you would recommend?
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